Sunday, October 4, 2009

7 Things I Wish I Could Have Done Differently

Well, we're nearing the end of this project, and it's time to state regrets. Please note that I don't regret doing the project as a whole, but how I did it. If I could do it again, I have a few things off the top of my head that I would have changed.

7. Proofread
Probably 95% of the reviews I posted were not proofread. As soon as I added in that last bit, I would save, publish, and go on to something else. A few times, my friend had to correct me on this. Other times went without such notifications, and, after reading over a random few just now, I noticed a good amount of typos and grammatical errors. Harmless, yes, but still something I could have done better.

6. Went More In Depth
Now, I do believe that I was not guilty of this for most of my reviews. I tried to get in a few good paragraphs for each that efficiently explained how I felt about the film in several aspects. However, there are certain reviews that lacked substance. The most recent, I believe, was Aladdin, a review which exists in short fragments and an effete disappointment. Sorry to any of you disappointed by this.

5. More Frequent Updates
Yeah, definitely. As you can see right now, I'm posting on probably on a one-film-a-week basis. That really disappoints me, and I'll explain that in a later item on this list. There was one time, I believe in early August, where my reviews came pretty frequently. However, in July, and especially in September, I was less dedicated. Granted I took two vacations in July, but I still believe I could have posted more frequently.

4. More Features
Oh, how this saddens me. This was one of my goals for this project from the very beginning. And I'm ashamed to say that over the course of this project, I only produced one feature. Just one. To me, that's extremely pathetic. Towards the end of this project, I was (and am) more concerned with just getting reviews done. Features were not necessary, so I kept focusing on the reviews. Unfortunately, that was a mistake.

3. No False Promises
I can think of two big ones in this category: features and two-a-day reviews. I feel really bad about this one, guys. It would be a different thing completely if I didn't even mention it, but I told you they would come, and they never did. I just couldn't keep up with everything, and August and September just got crazier. My sincerest apologies.

2. Started Earlier
I almost combined this item with the next item, but they are actually two different ideas. I started this blog in late June, if I recall correctly. I got off of school in early June, mind you. For the few weeks following that, I had absolutely nothing but free time on my hands. I chose to start this project at the end of that period of free time, just right before my summer classes were to start. Had I started earlier, I think I could have knocked out maybe 5-10 movies in that time. Sigh.

1. Finished On Time
Ah, the big one. I regret this more than the other 6 combined. When school started in late August, I had seven films left. It is now October 4th, and I still have one film left. What a pity. I completely underestimated how little time I would have left for this project, and as you can see, it went downhill. Extremely unfrequent updates and lacking reviews are the byproduct of not achieving a deadline. I cannot even explain to you how difficult it is to keep this going with school.

For all of this, I apologize. Please, stay for the last review and my conclusion. HOPEFULLY, they will be coming soon.

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