Thursday, August 13, 2009

Of course, you realize, this means 2-a-days!

Surprise, surprise. Another bad copy today. This time of The Fox and the Hound. I swear, someone's punishing me. This is all just coming out of nowhere. I hope it's just a temporary streak of bad luck. But I've come up with a solution! It may or may not work.

The solution is this: 2-a-days. That's right. Meaning I watch 2 movies a day, review 2 movies a day. Will I be able to do it? Who knows? Tonight is my last driver's ed class, so that will free up some time. Once that's over, the only obligatory thing consuming my time is 2 books I have to read for English. I'm about 2/3 through the first one. I hope to finish it sometime this weekend.

So there you have it. I missed out on a lot of days, so I owe you guys. This will probably go into effect tomorrow. So I think you have a right tomorrow to expect 2 movie reviews. If not, you can yell at me all you'd like.

That's all for now. Keep reading!

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